Aufgehoben - Khora [196180]


Aufgehoben - Khora [196180]


"Khora" is the fifth full length album by Aufgehoben. Since the release of their previous album Messidor the group have relaxed some of the enforcement their axioms of anonymity by allowing their names to be known, photos taken and even playing a few well received live shows.While Messidor may have been mellower or "less rock" the progression through "Khora" leads on to believe that "full on rock" may be in the cards for this group who have seemingly removed the elbow patches from their jackets and have rolled up their sleeves for good. 

The album begins with three short pieces which are sonic examples of texture meeting metal-like a djinn trapped in molten gold attempting to burst free from his cage but only able to express rage via an infinity of temporary sculpture ranging from the nightmares of the Mütter museum to futuristic expressions of nature not yet captured by a conscious eye. The final track is 28 minutes of pure glory that will surely become one of noise rock's classics. Massively blown out and beautifully recorded Jederfursich lays down twin mirrors side by side as a model of infinity is allowed to metamorphosize via sounds that recall the energy of existence the sands of time itself.

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